Automatic Document Processing with AI

At TEKLIA, we provide advanced AI-driven solutions for processing and managing all types of digitised documents, including text, photos and video. Our cutting-edge technologies range from Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) to photo and video classification and indexing.


Multilingual Text Recognition

OCR and HTR services can transcribe both printed and handwritten documents in a variety of languages, making your data accessible and actionable.
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Table and Form Recognition

Unlock the full potential of your data with table and form recognition services, transforming complex tabular information into structured, digitized formats
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Automatic photo description

Automatic photo indexing and description uses AI to analyse, categorise and generate metadata, enabling efficient search and organisation of visual content.
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Automatic video analysis

Automatic video indexing leverages AI to analyze, tag, and generate metadata for video content, enabling efficient search, retrieval, and organization.

Discover our technologies

Printed and Handwritten Text Recognition

OCR is a technology to convert images of typed or printed document into electronic text. Our technology can also read any kind of handwriting (HTR).

Document Layout Analysis

Document Layout Analysis extracts meaningful structural information from an image. Our technology goes much further and can understand the organization of a document (text, illustration, table, etc.).

Named-Entities Recognition

NER is a kind of data extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities mentioned in unstructured documents, into pre-defined categories (persons, location, codes, etc).

Document Classification

Our technology can categorize simple or multiple page documents, based on their content and their visual elements.


Full text indexing allows you to search your scanned documents with specific requests or keywords, the same way you do with electronic ones.

IIIF Servers

Our software leverage the IIIF standards. We optimize our IIIF servers for automatic document processing.

An Intuitive Document Processing Solution

Any company, public institution or research organization may use our solutions to process a large range of documents such as archives, invoices, purchase orders, paperworks, lab reports, birth certificates, and much more.

Teklia’s tool is easy-to-use and customized specifically to your needs. You can retrieve the information needed anytime you want, according to your criteria (names, codes, amounts, dates, items, etc).

Enhance your productivity

Arkindex was made to ease your workflow management by cutting out several tasks that were so far manually done. With Arkindex document classification and indexation is automatic, allowing you to relocate your staff on other more important tasks.

Reduce processing times

With a high volume of documents, retrieving information is easier and faster when data is centralized and sorted. Our document processing software improves your teams’ efficiencies along with supplier and customer communication and therefore satisfaction.

Be more flexible

Combined with a cloud storage system, your data are accessible anywhere and anytime you need it. You can either work remotely or on the field and access your digitized documents easily.